GVL Clubhouse Update

Dear shareholders and residents of GVL,

    On Labor Day weekend many of you attended a community meeting in the church parking lot concerning the GVL clubhouse.  An ad hoc committee was formed to create a comprehensive plan for the future of the clubhouse that meets the legal, financial, social and demographic needs of the community and the Water Co.  The committee members include:  Jerry Miller-chairperson, Charlie Mattson-director, Kathy Benjamin-director, John McClellan-president GV recreation, Tracy Schroeder-GV recreation, Bergen Moore, Sue Engle, Sandi Huckaby, Eric Huber, and Donna Mammone.  There is much work to be done in figuring out solutions for all the problems and possibilities, so we would like to keep you informed of our progress.  First of all, we are looking into the cost of running and renting the clubhouse and ways we can make it more affordable. Second, we are exploring new ways to manage the building and its future operations. Third, we are looking at the possibilities of renovating and remodeling the facility.   This ad hoc committee will continue to meet for the next few months and we will keep you informed of our progress.  We thank you for your input so far and we look forward to hearing from you as we work to solve the many issues ahead.

You can get in touch with us through the Green Valley Mutual Water Company (gvmwc.org) website, or green-valley-lake.com, or Nextdoor.com

Yours sincerely,

The Ad Hoc Clubhouse Committee

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3 Responses to GVL Clubhouse Update

  1. ken Martin says:

    some persons have to get info correct. the clubhouse rental is open to shareholders, not residents. thank you ken Martin

  2. Cruz finefield says:

    Do you rent the clubhouse for wedding? Looking to rent a space for November 2023 for 50-75 guests.

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